Thursday 12 April 2018

10 things I do to achieve my goals and happiness

Hello everyone. I have been soooo busy. Finally, I have time to write as a reward for all the hard work I have done. 😊

Last post i've posted about study tips or how i study economics generally. If you haven't read it, click here.

In this post, I'm going to tell you based on my beliefs/thoughts regarding what have made me to achieve a dean's award. I had achieved multiple dean's awards through out my study in public policy school. And I am so grateful that Allah swt has given me an opportunity to achieve it again in business school as well. I have noticed, I have achieved my goals and made me happy when I do such "things". Which is the purpose of this writing is to share with you what are the things that I have done that I strongly believe have made me where I am standing. Working hard is one thing. Although, I am not going to talk about how hard you should be working, but being a better individual should you be working on. I am happy to share with you(whoever's reading until the end). Plus, I hope you'll learnt something from it.

Here are my beliefs.

1. Pray harder.
I know you've been working hard, studying like crazy until late night. Read all those thick text books with hundreds of pages. Yes, it works and it's good for you in the long run. But still, pray harder than what you have been put on your efforts. Ask him anything what you want. Do not limit your prayers. If you are ambition enough to do all those complicated things and achieve things that you have not achieved before, then pray harder than you used to.

I once prayed that I passed this particular exam. And I really did passed. Yes, only passed! Not excelled. Since then, whenever I pray. I pray harder. I ask him everything that seems impossible to me. If I have not gotten any of those prayers, that's fine too. Knowing that I've done my best through working and praying.

2.Do things with good intention.
Everything that you do goes back to your intention. And I wish I have known this since I was in primary school. Nobody tells me this until I went into public policy school. Since than, my way of thinking has changed.

We all can do the same things, but we all have different intentions. Ask yourselves why are you doing all these things. What are your purposes? If you work hard and want to excel in your field in order to show that you are better or superior than anybody else. Well, that's not good. You need to change your intention. Certainly, Allah swt knows what's in your heart. He knows what you want and why do you do it. If its not good, perhaps he wont giving it to you because it's not good for you.

3.Treat your parents nicely.
As a full time student, I barely have time to go home and spend quality time with my parents and family. I have missed lots of family events just because I have had tons of work load to do. I have to sacrifice my time with my loved ones. Due to that, I always keep in touch with my parents especially my mom. Make time to call and text her. And also not forgetting my sisters and my nephew. I try to treat them nicely with intention that he rewards and bless me for what I have done.

4.Be nice to each other.
Other than your family, you should not forgotten your friends or whoever you have met. Be nice to them even though what you have done seems no point of doing so or too simple. Smiling for example. I realize not everyone loves or wants to smile. Even though it takes nothing in your pocket to smile. Yet, it still hard to do it. Or sometimes, you've smiled but only to certain people. Why is it so hard than to smile to everyone?

5.Help those who in need.
Some people are asking for favors, and some are clearly taking advantage on you. But that's okay. Your purpose of living is not to please them. If you can ease someones burden even just a bit and you are certainly competent enough to do it. Why not? Perhaps, Allah swt rewards you with something you have not thought about it.

6.Be happy towards others achievements/accomplishments.
Okay, this is crucial. When you surround yourself with people who have common goals as you or as ambitious as you are, you might have friends who are not feeling comfortable with your accomplishments. Perhaps, you are one of them. I tell you what, stop it. Be happy for them for what they have achieved. This will give you inner satisfaction and also motivates you to be better. Your day will come as long as you are not giving up.

7.Trust him.
Trust, trust, trust, trust and trust. Trust Allah swt for what he has written for you. Stay and try to keep your faith in him as he makes no mistakes. Believe in him and believe in yourself no matter how hard things are for you. Things are meant for you will come to you no matter what. However, things are not meant for you will not stay. Everything happens for reason(s). Just believe in him. He is testing you. One day, you'll look back and think none of these really matter. There are so many other things that are way more significant than what you had gone through.

8.Have patience.
Plus, this is proportionately related to previous point. Trust and patience come together. If you trust him, you need to be patience. Some say good things come in a small package, well I do not. For me, good things come in trust and patience. Life is full of blessings and so do the testings. Patience helps you develop positive thinking simultaneously eliminate negative thoughts. He knows exactly what to give to his slaves and when is the right time to give, but not us. We do not know. We humans even make mistakes. How can we know everything?

9.Speak good things.
I know this is hard even I'm still struggling to speak only good things. But still I have to try no matter what. I try to speak only good things and hoping good things come back towards me. If you are surrounded with people who love to say bad things about others or yourself, I guess it's time to find new friends. They have influenced you no good. Or try to stay away from them. I honestly sick of people complaining about others. And I honestly wont consider to listen. I just don't want to listen as I think it gives no benefits to me. I rather stay alone rather than complaining about others bad attitudes or problems. I feel like those things are part of my shortcomings. But those things are not. Those things are not belong in my life. In fact, I wont let them be.

10.Love others unconditionally.
Finally, regardless of burdens have been on your shoulders for ages, love others as much as you love yourself. Regardless how hard people have been on you, keep the love by praying for them. By praying for others help to develop self-love and love towards others. We all have struggles, we all have different stories. What matters is we do. What we do defined who we are. If we love others, it shows that we love ourselves. This also helps in fighting stress and depression. When you love others, you'll love yourself even more. You wont do things that hurt others and also yourself. Well, at least this helps me. And I am happy to share with you.

I may not know what you have gone through and what you really want in life. But I know you can do this. We all can. Allah swt will never over burden his own slaves if they are not competent for such burdens. 💗

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