Thursday 8 March 2018

How to study microeconomics effectively

Hello everyone.  😉

Today's post I thought that i want to share with you how I study for Microeconomics for undergrad. I am happy to share with you what I had done in order for me to get an A /4.0 for microeconomics. For those who new here, I'm an economics undergrad student. Last semester had been intense for me to be honest. I was crying during final exams. Thank God, everything went very well. In fact, the result that came out was quiet unexpected. To be honest, I was not expected to get an A in Microeconomics, but I do know that I worked really hard. Excuse the other subjects please. This post is specifically for Microeconomics. 😁

1. Attending to all lectures.
Please attend classes even though you're late. This is because your professors are going to explain all those complex theories which are quite difficult for you to understand by your own. Since, economics consists of theories, applications, mathematics and graphs. If you don't understand how to calculate, please do ask your professors instantaneously.

2. Write and draw them down.
You have to write your notes handwritten and draw the complex graphs by yourself. This is crucial because even though you already understand how the graphs work, for instance why the slope is shifting to the right/left or etc, but it does not mean that you can actually draw it by yourself. Simply look at the textbook or how your professors are drawing are absolutely not enough. If you think you can draw them, trust me, You really don't.

(This photo is taken from google. It is purposely for an example.)

3. Do past papers as much as you can. 
Practice, practice, and practice. Do them by yourself. Try to find the answers by yourself, instead of copying your friends' answers. Even though, you are copying directly from the textbook, but at least you are striving to find the answers by yourself compared to your friends find the answers for you. No ones are going to spoon feeding you. You have to work for them.

4. Explain the theories out loud.
This helps for you to understand and memorize the material quickly and easily. However, in order for you to maintain the knowledge in the long run, there is no other ways other than understand them well enough. Or you could explain to your friends and classmates. Perhaps, this might helps them as well.

5.Apply those theories with your surroundings.
Apply those principles according to your environment. Make it simple. Whatever that relates to you based on your interest, apply them with microeconomics. This helps you for your essays section, where you have to give examples based on your understanding. If you already have examples that could relate with your interest, it will be much easier for you to understand and remember.

6. Do not memorize.
This is what lots of economics students do, they memorize instead of understanding the materials down. There is no such thing that you can memorize all those graphs at hand. No way, you'll go nuts. The graphs are tremendously complicated. In fact, the questions are going to test your understanding by alter some of the characteristics. This is to see either you are able to explain it well and draw the graphs based on the situations.

7. Write in your own words.
This is crucial for you in order to tell either you can write the essays without relying on the textbooks and notes. It looks quite easy by reading your notes or textbooks. But when it comes to the test or exams. You just can't answer the questions even though you had studied enough. Writing skill is crucial when it comes to any essays. In order to get them right, unfortunately is by write them right. If your first language is not English, it is okay if your grammar is incorrect. Through out the time by lots of writing practices, it will improves eventually.

8. Ask your professors for your mistakes.
If you don't get your answer correct, ask your professors what are your mistakes. This is crucial for you to learn from your mistakes. There is no point of doing the exercises again and again if you keep repeating the same mistakes. Every time you get your tests/quizzes, ask them why do you didn't get full marks.

In conclusion, regardless whatever you do, work hard because life is hard. No ones are going to help you other than yourself. Be consistent and be discipline. My dad always tell me that if you want to be successful, you have to be discipline. Best of luck 😘

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